Biden’s Message: Despite Urgent Need, U.S. Faces Cybersecurity Expert Shortage

By Andrew Lance | CEO

In a first-of-its-kind summit for the industry, leaders of private companies in key sectors of the U.S. economy met with President Biden at the White House on Wednesday to discuss cybersecurity.

According to the President, the threat posed by cybercrime is exacerbated by a stark shortage of cybersecurity professionals nationally. White House estimates suggest the need to fill nearly half a million cybersecurity jobs to counter the invasion of cyberattacks the U.S. is witnessing.

Summit attendee Hadi Partovi, the CEO of education nonprofit, left the summit suggesting that the United States is “in a cyberwar.” Though “nobody’s declared war…attacks are happening every day.”

Addressing Cybersecurity Today

It is clear from the summit that both the government and private sector leaders agree that the United States is in a battle against cybercrime and must take up arms to protect American citizens, businesses, and infrastructure.

However, it is also evident that the U.S. and private enterprises do not currently have the defensive posture, nor the human capital required to maintain adequate protection. Therein lies the problem at hand. While the summit is an integral first step on the road to improving American cyber defense, businesses need to protect themselves right now. Companies cannot afford to wait for the government or American firms to groom the more than half a million cybersecurity professionals the country lacks.

What should a business do to safeguard its most critical assets and the people it serves at this moment?

First, companies must analyze their current cybersecurity posture and address and implement necessary changes to ensure adequate protection. That starts with filling cybersecurity roles today – every day that passes increases the likelihood a business will fall victim to cybercrime.

Close the Gap with a Cybersecurity Partner

If the task seems daunting, it does not need to be. A cybersecurity partner can walk your business through the fundamental steps necessary to assess, design, implement, and support a security posture that best protects against cyber threats and risks targeting your business.

If having a partner with more than two decades of experience combatting cybercrime and fortifying businesses help support your company sounds ideal, look no further than Sidechain Security.

Whether your business requires short-term staffing or ongoing expertise as you build your team, Security Operations Support and Staff Augmentation Solutions from Sidechain will streamline your efforts to improve security.

Gain confidence in your organization’s protection by adding industry-leading data security operations staff to build out or support your SecOps team – or add an in-house cybersecurity team’s full capabilities and expertise without the requisite costs with our virtual CISO services.

Having a cybersecurity partner like Sidechain will ensure that talent and knowledge gaps are not left unaddressed that leave your business’s most critical asset exposed–your data.

Know Your Cyber Readiness – Get a Free Security Assessment Today

At Sidechain, we not only specialize in providing analysis unique to the safeguarding of your business; we also offer access to the top talent and resources in the industry to ensure proper cyber staffing. To get started protecting your business, sign up for a free security assessment. The assessment will evaluate your business’s cyber readiness to identify where and subsequently with whom you can improve your cybersecurity efforts.

As Wednesday’s summit illustrated, cybersecurity is top of mind for the U.S. government and private sector leaders. Therefore, it is crucial to begin taking the first steps to improve protection against cyber-attack. Get started now with a no-cost 30-minute consultation with a cybersecurity expert from Sidechain Security.

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