Is Tokenization Right for your Data?

Is Tokenization Right for your Data?

By Andrew Lance | CEO 10 years ago, data-at-rest encryption was adequate for many data security needs. File encryption met most compliance requirements, checked the “yes we encrypt” box, and was relatively easy to implement. The growth of self-encrypting drives in...
What is a digital fingerprint? Part 2

What is a digital fingerprint? Part 2

By Andrew Lance | CEO This is part 2 of the FAQ “What is a Digital Fingerprint?” If you haven’t read part 1 yet, head over and review that now. In part 1, we explained how “direct” digital fingerprinting works. Derived Fingerprints A more...
What is a digital fingerprint? Part 1

What is a digital fingerprint? Part 1

By Andrew Lance | CEO Introduction Reading in the news about “digital fingerprints,” and you come across several concepts: A literal “digital” version of your actual fingerprint, used in smartphones for example Some kind of unique digital...

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